No. 5. A Classification of the Siphonaptera of South America, by Phyllis T. Johnson. 298 pp. 1957


Siphonaptera of South America.

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Phyllis T. Johnson

Curator of fleas and lice at USNM 1955–1958.




Publication as a result of Ph.D dissertation.


No. 11. A Systematic Study of the Japanese Chloropidae (Diptera), by Kenkichi Karnmiya, 370 pp. 1983
No. 8. The North American Predaceous Midges of the Genus Palpomyia Meigen (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), by W.L. Grogan, Jr. and W.W. Wirth. 125 pp. 1979
No. 2. A Classification of Larvae and Adults of the Genus Phyllophaga (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae ) by Adam G. Böving. 96 pp. 1942
No. 13. An Identification Manual for the North American Genera of the Family Braconidae (Hyrnenoptera), by Paul M. Marsh, Scott R. Shaw, and Robert A. Wharton, 98 pp. 1987
No. 25. A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World, by Raymond J. Gagné. 408 pp. 2004